He's A Dancin' Machine 8
Originally uploaded by lorenzodom
You Should Be Dancin'...Yeah
i came across this fella with the fancy footsteps while Mom and i were taking a late morning stroll on venice beach (california) on memorial day weekend (i was back in town (UCLA '89) to surprise Mom for her 60th birthday).
he was dancing all by himself to his sony disc player (note: not ipod). he looked a lot happier than everyone else around him and i admired that. i think it is ironic that all the ipod ads feature people dancing to their favorite tunes, yet in reality, especially in NYC you rarely come across someone actually dancing to the music, even if half the metropolis seemingly now has one of those white little gadgets.
i don't own one and wouldn't care to, primarily because it would be just one more thing to carry and worry about (there is an epidemic of thefts of those things here in the city) ,and also because it would tune me out to the wonderful world around me.
don't get me wrong, i love apple and their products. my first real computer was a macintosh and i currently abuse the itunes randomizer on my PC. that application is the next best thing to photoshop and my digital camera!
nonetheless, i find it a bit sad that we don't dance when we want to, whenever the music comes on while were shopping or were with friends or just walking alone and about anywhere upon a whim.
most people ignored this guy as if he were a little crazy...and maybe he was, but look how happy he is! if we were all just a little more crazy (i.e. less sane, rational and conforming) this world would be a much better place.
diggin' into the archives. these are fotos that i have not had a chance to edit from my trip to california for my mother's surprise 60th birthday party on memorial day weekend, 2005. in particular, they come from our trek to venice beach.