It Depends on Your Vantage Point...
Originally uploaded by lorenzodom
Best Vantage Point: LARGE. If you are a PC user, press F11 for the full-screen effect.
As per Michael Brenton’s remarks on this photo, as I was crouching down in the middle of the street, I too thought this was pretty risky.
But then I thought of my courageous son— Nicky, The Brave; I thought of other times I've done this before; and I thought of what a great shot this would be to capture yet another decisive moment that combined quintessential elements (i.e. the New Yorker Hotel, The Empire State Building, the Vantage Point poster, the vagrant sitting at the bus stop with her shopping cart full of possessions) that make New York—the city I love.
Alas, I am well aware that one of these days my timing will be off, one of these days a taxi cab will not be paying attention and will not see me from his vantage point, one of these days I'm liable take one risk too many and pay the price...
Oh, well, sometimes that’s the price we pay for living.
Anaïs Nin once wrote, “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.” I’d prefer to execute my life as if it were expanding.
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