Testing "The Secret"
Originally uploaded by lorenzodom
Testing The Secret
So, I read The Secret.
For some serious fun, I'm going to try one of the exercises recommended in the book, which suggests that all we have to do in order to have what we want is to Ask, Believe and Receive.
Sounds easy enough, so why not?
So, as per the prescription, I'm going to lay out my wishes here and now. And periodically I will report here in this space whether or not The Secret is working. Thus, if it does in fact have an impact, I will be a living testimony to its power.
You are encouraged to list your very own silly and serious wishes below.
1. I want everyone around me, especially family, friends, and acquaintances to be inspired, to laugh often and to genuinely be happy, more often than not.
2. I want to live a physically and mentally healthy life until I'm 100.
3. I want a million dollars by the end of this year, 2007.
4. I want to receive 10 million dollars within the next two years.
5. I want to make a 100 million dollars with the next 3 years.
6. I want to earn one billion US dollars (not monopoly money) in the next 10 years.
7. I want to write and take photos full time by the end of this year.
8. I want to write 20 books over the next 20 years.
9. I want to travel and live all over the world.
10. I want to read, write and speak 7 languages (English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish) within the next 7 years.
11. I want to be extraordinarily happy the rest of my life.
12. I want my children to be happy, love strong and to live long, productive and prosperous lives.
13. I want to have a healthy and happy love life.
That's not too much to ask for, is it?
According to The Secret, there are no limits unless we create them ourselves...
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